Last updated: Feb 14th, 2020

To place a refund, return or exchange request for an order placed with Gogopass Asia, You would need to contact Gogopass Asia via email at, by phone at +6019 376 9709

Please have your order number available and provide a reason for your request in order to speed up your refund process. Your request will be reviewed within 2 days and we will notify you via email of the results.

Refund, returns or exchange requests are accepted up to 30 days from the date of placing the order with Gogopass Asia. Gogopass Asia may grant extensions to this period for some special cases and products at its discretion.

You may submit a request to cancel your order on the same day the order was placed. Please note that if the order is already shipped or delivered we will not be able to approve the cancellation request.

Some products have special conditions for returns as described in the order or product materials delivered (“products terms”) so please read this carefully before making a request with Gogopass Asia. In case of discrepency between the Gogopass Asia refund policy and the product terms, the present refund policy will prevail. Shipping costs are non-refundable, except if due to a Gogopass Asia error, where you need to contact Gogopass Asia and make a formal request for refund.

If the refund request is granted by Gogopass Asia, payments are refunded as follows:

  • Credit / Debit Cards payments will be refunded within one (1) business day;
  • Wire Transfer and cheque payments will be refunded within seven (7) business days and the cost of transfer will be supported by the end user;
  • PayPal payments will be refunded within one (1) business day;
  • Other payment methods will be refunded between five (5) to seven (7) days.
  • If applicable, Gogopass Asia reserves the right to hold the refund payment until we receive a completed letter of destruction of the product signed by you.

The present refund policy is part of the Gogopass Asia TERMS AND CONDITIONS.